目前分類:我的畫作My Paintings (57)

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壓克力畫 - 在公園嬉戲孩子們的倒影

Children in the park-2.jpgChildren in the park-refelection.jpg

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Duck and Girl-J.jpg


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Boy with a red ring.jpg

Umm... the painting's name is stimulated by "Girl with a Pearl Earring" again.

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Uknown Garden-S.jpg

It's not pretty my style.  Just try to work on something.

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Black %26; Fower.jpg

I used a special tecnique on this painting. For the background, I poured a lot of water on the panel and gently pulled the color with black & white, which brought out the textures like marble surface. Meanwhile, it's still needed to care about the various shadows.

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The River Stour - Arylic Painting

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A casual and fast painting together with my very little partner who just started his very first touch of paints.

Eventually, he was angry with that he was not the one to be in chage of the last retouch. Well, as we always say in the life...nothing is perfect.

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When I paint it, I got comminuted fracture on the wrist of my right arm.   So, I can only use the left hand to finish the rest of it. It's difficult to keep my left hand steady and directive. The painting is probably not perfect though, but I do enjoy myself.

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Decent Humility 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jul 26 Sun 2015 11:05
  • 黑白


 image image image image

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俗氣卻又永遠看不膩,海這麼的壯闊,這麼美,永遠想讓人深深吸一口氣,享受它的底蘊 ; 背對著看畫的人,每個人都可以把自己當做是畫裡的她,體會望海的氣氛.簡單的色調,有個性的姿勢,簡潔又美麗的套裝,最重要的是氣質,組成一個故事.

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畫名: 從另一邊 1771 (壓克力畫)


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A simple scene with corrugatted texture of stones shows the taste of painting.

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Red Fairies-S  

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世上女人最美,尤其怡人大方的女人最美,歡笑的女人燦爛了花朵,哭泣的女人讓人心碎,早熟的女人教人學習,女人的韌性令人無比敬佩,女人的性感可以壓到江山 ; 相對的,男人的情緒化與不成熟從小就被人鄙視,而長大後不懂得打掃家裡又大男人主義的人更像是個不負責任的猩猩,如果再加上生活無趣毫無美感,和性感離太遠,男人在這個世界上就不知道有什麼用處了.


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